Boston Terrier : : Male (neutered) : : Baby : : Small
Learn more about the Boston Terrier.
Charlie is an 11 month old neutered male Boston Terrier puppy whose owner was recently injured and can no longer care for him. He is black and white and weighs in at around 20-25 lbs. He also has a tail that's a little on the longer side for a Boston Terrier. He has no known allergies. He’s a little timid right now but is quickly opening up. He is a very calm but loving dog. He gets along well with other dogs, but could also be the only dog in a home because of how calm he is. Charlie is more than happy to lay down by you at any time and just relax. He is housetrained and does not bark frequently. He's also ok with being in a kennel or pen. He had knee surgery on both back legs as a pup and he's got a little bit of a limp in his back right leg, but it doesn't appear to slow him down at all. He still runs around and plays with other dogs without problem. Overall he is a very low-key dog that is happy all the time, whether he's relaxing or playing. Charlie went home with an approved adopter at our last picnic. He is being a good boy in his new home!