Meet Gonzo. He's a 35 lb, 1 yr. old, red Boston Terrier who was surrendered. He is a super special guy, looking for just the perfect home. Gonzo is deaf and his prior owner did a lot of work to help him be able to communicate. He is smart as a whip and has loads of signs he uses for commands.
Gonzo absolutely loves to train, is working on his leash manners, is flawless in the crate, is potty trained, is perfect on car rides, and is learning to play well with other friendly dogs after a slow intro. He will never pass up the opportunity to cuddle on a couch, dismantle a stuffie or play some fetch.
Gonzo is insecure and has challenges meeting/trusting new people. Because of this, the transition from his foster home to his forever home will be a longer process. Once you are in his circle of trust, you are a friend for life, but he needs a patient, child free home who is committed to helping him build his leash & walking skills as well as increasing his confidence around humans. He is partial to the ladies.
He will need continued training to help navigate the world and would make a wonderful companion. Please refer to Gonzo’s “Best Home” needs to see if your home would be a good fit for this special needs boy..
--A home with a yard
--Prefer no dogs as that is an added variable, but he does play well with other good-play-mannered pups after slow intro
--No children
--All humans in home learn & participate in training/walks to gain Gonzo’s trust.
--Patience with the process & Gonzo
If you meet his "Best Home" criteria and feel your home is a great fit, go to ( to complete an application
**Potential adopters who have already been approved may express interest through our email.
More about Jeff
Good with Dogs, Is Not Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Needs special care, Timid, Skittish, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent
Our foster dogs are currently wearing ID tags donated by Dog Tag Art. Visit Dog Tag Art today to create your own custom pet ID tag for your dog or cat.
Other Pictures of Jeff (click to see larger version):