Boston Terrier : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : Medium
Learn more about the Boston Terrier.
7 year old Cain was surrendered because he got in fights with the other male BT at their house. Due to a fight a few years back, he lost his vision in his left eye. However he loves female dogs and people including children. He has mild allergies and needs benedryl from time to time. Our vet referred him to Eye Care to look at his shrunken eye. The veterinary opthomologist determined that his shrunken eye needs drops for dry eye. The Eye Care vet also determined that his "good" eye has an immature cataract, vitreal degeneration, and retinal degeneration. Cain is not blind; however, that may occur as he ages. This is a great boy and could make a wonderful addition to your home. More about CainGood with Some Dogs (No male dogs), Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Does Good in the Car, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Needs special care, Playful, Affectionate